The world’s athletics governing body, International Association Athletics Federation (IAAF), has appointed Sir David Williams KNZM, QC as a member of the inaugural IAAF Disciplinary Tribunal. The Tribunal will be a first instance Disciplinary Tribunal which will hear cases arising out of the IAAF’s new Integrity Code of Conduct. Decisions of the Disciplinary Tribunal will be subject to appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne, Switzerland.
With reference to Oceania there are three Tribunal members from Australia. Sir David is the only New Zealand member. Sir David is a long standing member of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) and has sat on many CAS cases both in New Zealand (on appeal from the New Zealand Sports Tribunal), Australia and internationally. His international cases include the Floyd Landis Tour of France disqualification and several Olympic Games athletics appeals.
IAAF Chief Executive Officer Oliver Gers said in a letter of appointment: “The appointment is for a period of two years and will run until the conclusion of the 2019 IAAF congress in late September 2019. Thereafter the IAAF congress will appoint IAAF Disciplinary Tribunal members for a four-year term at each IAAF Congress.”
The IAAF Disciplinary Tribunal, whose Chairman will be Michael Beloff QC, is required under the IAAF constitution to operate independently of the IAAF. Therefore the IAAF has appointed Sports Resolution UK to serve as the independent secretariat to the Disciplinary Tribunal. Mr Gers stated that the Disciplinary Tribunal will play a vital role in safeguarding the integrity of the sport of athletics.
December 2017