Courts to be allowed to make declarations of inconsistency
Cabinet has agreed in principle to amend the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act to give an explicit power to courts to declare that legislation is inconsistent with the Act. If a declaration is made, Parliament would be required to reconsider that legislation, but would not be required to amend it.
Bail laws to be reviewed
The Minister of Justice is reviewing bail laws, with a view to reversing the recent amendments restricting the grant of bail in 2013.
New political leaders announced
There have been new political leaders selected, both here in New Zealand, and across the Tasman. Simon Bridges has been confirmed as the new opposition leader, with Paula Bennett continuing as deputy. Simon Bridges is the first National party leader to whakapapa Maori. In Australia, Michael McCormack has been selected to replace disgraced leader of the government coalition partner and Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce.
At the local government level, Auckland has welcomed its first female pasifika Councillor, Josephine Bartley.
US Supreme Court refuses to allow the administration to end the ‘Dreamer’ programme
President Trump sought to have the Supreme Court reverse injunctions issued by lower courts preventing the administration ending the programme that protects undocumented immigrants brought to the US as children. The application by the administration sought to shortcut the usual course of litigation, seeking that the Supreme Court review the decisions without them first being reviewed by an appellate court. The Supreme Court has refused to do so.
German court says cities can ban diesel cars
The Leipzig court, Germany’s highest administrative court, issued a landmark ruling that would allow cities to ban diesel cars for the purposes of reducing pollution.
The law profession responds to reports of culture of sexual assault
While law firm Russell McVeagh has announced an external review in response to reports of sexual assault of its law clerks, members of the legal profession have responded with calls of action to the legal profession to do more to lead the way to move beyond sexual harassment. See the responses from the legal profession below, including from Bankside’s own Kate Davenport QC, president of the New Zealand Bar Association.
“Watch the Parliamentary debate on this issue here: ”
By Danielle Kelly